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Progression question - please help!

My question is - for continued growth, what are your secrets? I have been targeting increasing reps between breaks ( like moving from 5 to 10 on military). Hoping to get to a point where I have no breaks, but until then, how did you increase your output? Thanks in advance for the tips!!

Hi mate,

For me, I've been upping the reps just like you and then trying to also reduce rest. Right now I'm going through sets of 20 and just getting back on it as soon as possible (not timing rest). It's so progress to be honest, but it's getting easier, so I think it's a case of just showing up and embracing the grind.

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Progress comes relatively easily at first and then you plateau and/ or seem to go backwards (it’s unreasonable to expect to match your pr every session when you think about it). I have tried loads of different training strategies- here are a few:

EMOM workouts - I was aiming for 8 or 9 per minute, adjust for your pr.

Rest hoarding a la Max - split the 20 mins into 5 minute blocks and work for eg 4:30 then rest for 30. Aim to work longer and rest less over time.

A new favourite for me- 10x2 mins with rest after 1-30 ish in each block Aiming for 16+ each block. I find I start at 20 and then decrease by 1 or 2 but try to stay at a minimum of 14 or 15. This is really a variation of the strategy above.

Sprint training- go as hard as you can for 1 min. Rest for 1 min. Repeat x10. Don’t expect this to yield a pr but it does give insight into how many sprints you can do at what rate etc. I think this strategy definitely qualifies as HIIT training!

I have had to acknowledge that a pr is NOT the reason to train. If numbers go up, great. If they don’t but you keep churning out workouts, equally great.
Good luck with your training mate!



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