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Weekly Training Results

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Last week results: 130 6-count, 50 Navy Seal, 135 6-count, 52 Navy Seal

Going to push for a Navy Seal PR this week!

Keep pushing!!

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Hit a PR of 233 on the 6-counts last week. PR for navy seals is 101.

Hit a PR of 237 on the 6-counts today. 250 is feeling like it’s within reach!

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Last week's results: 140 6-count, 54 Navy Seal (PR), 146 6-count (PR), 52 Navy Seal.


Keep pushing!!

Shane has reacted to this post.

Last week's results: 144 6-count, 55 Navy Seal, 154 6-count (PR), 58 Navy Seal (PR). Knocking on 1 D's door!


Keep pushing!!

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Haven't posted any data for a while, mainly because it's been rubbish! 6 counts are at 150, seals at 70. I've been adding in an Iron Wolf workout involving 25 lots of (6 counts, 2 pumps, seals, 4 pumps and 5 pumps) for a total of 375 press ups (push ups to those from across the pond). I can just about do this in 40 minutes and aiming to lower that time over the coming months. Had to reset everything again, much like Max has recently and to coin a football phrase 'Ey lads, we go again don't we!'

The dark voice sometimes speaks even before a session starts, but I shall not listen! The 6 count target is now 160 and that is the main priority; I'll keep you informed.

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Right, so seals finished at 72 and 6 counts went to the 160 target I had set. I’m gonna try push the seals to 74 this week, no new 6 count target yet, I just want to consolidate where I’m at with them. Whatever happens, keep turning up and giving it your best on the day!

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Hit 247 on the 6-counts last week as a PR. Navy seals remain at 101 as I’m trying to catch up my 6-counts to them. Hoping to set a PR on the 6-counts of 250+ this week. 🤞

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Last week's results: 155 6-count, 59 Navy Seals, 164 6-count, 62 Navy Seals. Made it to 1D (barely).


Keep pushing!!!

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Just unlocked Level 3 this past week with PRs at 250 on the 6-counts and 108 on the navy seals. Building towards Level 4 starting next week!

Keep going 💪

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