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Weekly Training Results

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Seals unchanged at 78. 6 counts made it 170 though I was definitely red lining for that. Iron wolf foundational time reduced to 34 mins 40 secs. Overall, a really positive week for the numbers. But the more important thing is to keep turning up and putting in the effort!

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Good week for me (today not so good though - but we can see that next week 🙂 )

63 Navy Seals, 170 6-count, 63 Navy Seals, 175 6-count.


Keep pushing!!

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Mediocre week this past week - but it happens

60 Navy Seals, 170 6-count, 65 Navy Seals, 170 6-count

Keep pushing!!


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6 counts have varied from a really weak 140 to 162 and 168- not in that order sadly. Seals improved to 84 which was great. Iron Wolf foundational completed in just under 35 mins, this time done backwards ie starting with 5 pumps and ending with 1 pumps. Remarkable inconsistency!

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Iron Wolf foundational time reduced to 34 mins dead; thought I could then better that so used another slot on it, but that was 35:10. 6 counts 160, seals 76.

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Good week for me! progress is much slower than when I started - so I have to celebrate small wins.

63 Navy Seals, 171 6-count, 66 Navy Seals (PR), 177 6-count (PR)

Keep pushing!!

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Seals =84, 6 counts 162, 164, 137(!), 170, Foundational routine 31:32.

Really chuffed with the latter and equalled my pr on seals too. The 137 was weird- I felt like I was really on it and going to smash my pr doing 90 seconds work and 30 seconds rest. But on block 7 I hit a wall and managed 11 reps. This messed with my head and block 8 was spent lying on the mat panting. I finished the 20 mins with two more slack blocks and then punished myself with a sprint to 20 that was after the time but felt I needed to do pennance for being so mentally weak. Onwards!

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On vacation last week - but found 80 minutes of time 🙂

66 Navy Seals, 175 6-count, 66 Navy Seals, 170 6-count

Going to try a couple different rep techniques this week and see what happens.

Keep pushing!!

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I’ve had the most amazing week! Seals 86(pr), then 87(pr). 6 counts 173(pr post knee injury) Foundational routine time 30:10(pr).

I’d love to say do x,y,z and the pr’s will follow but in reality I think it’s the accumulation of a lot of effort. Maybe introducing the foundational routine has helped (don’t like saying that since it’s not a part of BDP officially!)?
Keep pushing!


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This week’s numbers:

Foundational 33.16- it was looking like a pr but the 5 pumps killed that idea!

6 counts 173,  178 pr

Seals 86, 86 which is consistent and just one shy of the pr. Funny how I just couldn’t quite push an extra one out on either attempt

6 counts Friday: 160 - just a maintenance  session

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